Name of Operation, Purpose and Officers
Section 1. Name of Organization
This organization shall be known as the New Hampshire Beef Producers Association.
Section 2. Purpose of Organization
The purpose of this organization shall be to support New Hampshire beef producers and to promote the production and marketing of quality beef.
Section 3. Officer Board Structure
The officer board (board) shall consist of nine members, four of which shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be elected at an annual meeting to serve a two year term until their successors are elected and deemed qualified. The members may elect any number of individuals from associated parties, i.e. state departments, university extension specialists etc. to serve in an ex-officio capacity.
Committees, Membership, and Sponsors
Section 1. Committee Classification
All committees are to be proposed by members and voted into action by the membership upon approval of the board. The board may appoint any member to serve on a committee. Committee membership will consist of a minimum of two members and will report to the board prior to each scheduled membership meeting. Any committee will continue until the board votes to discontinue it, or its work is deemed complete.
Section 2. Membership Classification
The organization shall have four classes of membership: Active, Supporting Business, Youth and Life. Only active members may serve on the board and the board may declare additional benefits for any classes of membership.
Section 2a. Active Members
Active members shall be those eighteen years of age or older who pay dues determined by the board and who are active breeders and/or feeders of cattle for beef and their employment and or interests involves providing information or support to those raising cattle for beef.
Section 2b. Supporting Business Members
Supporting members shall be any adult, company, partnership or business etc. whose values or mission supports the production of cattle for beef in New Hampshire but is not directly associated with the production of beef and who pays a higher value of dues determined by the board. Supporting members shall be entitled to all privileges of active members, except they shall not possess the right to vote.
Section 2c. Youth Members
Youth members shall be any individual under eighteen years of age at the beginning of the dues year who is interested in the breeding and/or raising of cattle for beef. They must pay the dues determined by the board and are entitled to all privileges of active membership, except they shall not possess the right to vote. Youth members, upon turning eighteen years of age, may apply for active membership, provided they otherwise satisfy the prerequisites for active membership. Under eighteen year old members will be required to have a chaperone for NHBPA sponsored events.
Section 2d. Life Membership
Life membership may be awarded by the board to full members who have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the New Hampshire Beef Producers Association, or can be purchased at a price determined by the board.
Section 3. Dues and Length of Membership
The dues for the Active, Supporting Business, Youth and Life members shall be determined annually by the current board. Dues are payable at the beginning of the financial year determined by the board. The dues for Active membership will be thirty five dollars, Supporting Business membership will be one hundred dollars, Youth membership will be ten dollars, and Life membership will be five hundred dollars. Any member who does not pay dues annually will be considered lapsed and benefits will be withheld until the balance of dues is paid. New membership applications will be prorated to include the following year if received after October 1st.
Section 4. Sponsorship
Sponsors shall be any adult, company, partnership or business etc. whose values or mission supports the production of cattle for beef in New Hampshire but is not directly associated with the production of beef and who provides funding for the association’s activities.
Section 5. Removal
The board may remove any member from membership who, through action or words, is deemed detrimental to the values of the organization, who undermines or discredits its purposes or misappropriates its resources. The member shall be presented with a written summary of the charges against them and will be given a chance to address the board to make defense against the charges. The member is entitled to at least ten days notice, in writing by mail or email, of the meeting at which the removal is to be discussed. At this meeting the board will hear from the person making the charges and may question both the accused and the accuser. A two-thirds majority vote of the board shall be required to remove the member and a vote will be rendered, tallied, and reported within seven days of the meeting with the accused. In the event the accused is a board member they will not be eligible to vote or be a part of the deliberation or removal.
Operations and Meetings
Section 1. Quorum
In order to transact any business, two-thirds of the board must be present and among those present must be either the President or Vice President. At every membership meeting each active member shall be entitled to one vote, provided their dues are current for the year.
Section 2. Board Election
The election of the board members shall be determined by a secret ballot, collected and measured by the Secretary and nominations for positions can be made at membership meetings. This shall be conducted at a membership meeting, or a Special Meeting may be called.
Section 3. Annual Meeting
An Annual Meeting shall be conducted for the purpose of reporting on annual activities, evaluating, updating and amending the By-laws, financial records, and all necessary books and records. Voting for board members, financial reports and by-laws may also be included. If the scheduled date of an annual meeting with a rain date is to be changed in any way, the board is obligated to give a minimum of thirty days notice to the membership.
Section 4. Special Meeting
A Special Meeting of the board may be called at any time by the President, or by a majority of the members of the Board. Reasons for a Special meeting may include, but are not limited to, the progression of removal proceedings, or the need for amendments in the records or rules and regulations, or the conduction of other board business outside of scheduled membership meetings.
Section 5. Membership Meeting
Meetings for the general membership will be determined by a vote by the membership at large. Time frames for general membership meetings may include a monthly, bi monthly or quarterly designation. These meetings shall be held to include the membership in programming, scheduling, general organizational planning, and to alert the membership of important news and updates determined by the Board.
Section 6. Scheduling of Meetings
The board holds the power to schedule, cancel, and reschedule meetings upon a two-thirds majority vote of the Board. If a membership meeting is to be changed in any way, the board is obligated to designate an officer to give appropriate notice to the members, with notification by mail and/or email of the new meeting date, time and location within no less than seven days time between the notification and the rescheduled meeting.
Section 7. Voting Policies
All voting in meetings must be done in person by members with a classification allowing them a vote. Remote voting can be arranged for members who are unable to attend voting meetings, and these votes will be counted as part of the two-thirds required for passing a motion.
Officers Duties
Section 1. Structure
The board of the New Hampshire Beef Producers Association shall consist of nine members, four of which will serve as officers and up to two of which will serve as Ex-Officio. The officers in this association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. President
The President shall serve as the chief executive officer for the New Hampshire Beef Producers Association, shall preside at all meetings, and have general supervision of the affairs of the organization. They shall be required to make reports to the members and board, convene and conduct all meetings, and to perform such duties that are incidental to the position or are properly required by the board.
Section 3. Vice President
The Vice President will serve in the absence of the President in the event of resignation, removal, or unavailability. They shall support the President in executing their duties as deemed necessary by the President.
Section 4. Secretary
The Secretary shall maintain and publish the minutes of all board and membership meetings, issue notices for all meetings, maintain the membership listing and records of membership status, contact lapsed members, and coordinate with the treasurer to ensure that dues are paid. They shall oversee the nominations and elections as outlined in Article III Section 2.
Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have the custody of all money and securities of the organization and shall keep regular books of the accounts. They shall have the power to sign and countersign all required documents and shall make any financial filings as required by local, state or federal law, and provide current reports at each board and member meeting. The books of the Treasurer shall be open at all times to the board.
Section 6. Ex-Officio
Ex-officio are defined as a liaison between their associated organizations that have been identified as key partners to the New Hampshire Beef Producers Association. They serve on the board and are entitled to one vote. The role of the is to help advise the elected members of the board with the expertise collected from their respective positions outside of the organization.
Section 7. Removal of Officers
Any officer who is deemed worthy of removal by the board and the membership may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of two/thirds of all active members at any regular meeting or a meeting called and designated for that purpose. Removal of a board member can be proposed for conduct detrimental to the organizations’ interests. Any board member proposed to be removed shall be entitled to at least ten days notice in writing by mail or email of the membership meeting at which removal is to be discussed. They shall be entitled to appear before and be heard by the membership before a vote is taken and a decision will be rendered within seven days of the meeting.
Financial Year
Section 1.
The financial year for the New Hampshire Beef Producers Association shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December of each year.
Books and Records
Section 1.
The New Hampshire Beef Producers Association shall keep current, correct and complete books and records of accounts and Minutes of all membership meetings and board meetings and shall keep an active record of all members. All books and records are to be open to be inspected by any member for any purpose at any reasonable time. The By-laws will be available to all members and may be amended and updated at the annual meeting.
Section 1.
Any Article or section of these By-laws for the New Hampshire Beef Producers Association may be amended, changed or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the Active Membership who are present at the Annual Meeting, a membership meeting or a Special Meeting. In order to amend a written regulation or detail in any of the Associations’ books and records, the proposed amendment must be voted upon and passed with a two-thirds majority vote of the membership present.
Order of Business
Section 1.
The discussion at all business meetings of the members, except Special Meetings called in accordance with Article III, Section .4 of the By-Laws shall include:
Call to order
Reading of minutes and agenda
Report of Board Members
Report of Committees
Unfinished Business
New Business